Monday, October 28, 2013

1) he hand picked his solders and made them swear allegiance to him. next he built up imperial house hold to take charge of daily business of government which allowed enslaved people and freedman a choice to join the government. lastly he set up a fire brigade and police force.
2) it brought the trade down because it made romans trade with non romans.
3) because times were different laws had to be changed so they had new laws made.
4) it helped Romans successfully govern a large area.
5) it made few like the Mesopotamia lion and North African Elephant go extinct.
6) They continued Murdering the emperors
7) Since it was too big to rule alone so he split it in half and gave the other half to his friend
8) it fell because there was no Roman empire left and was being ruled by germanic government. next were because Economical, political and foreign reasons.

Monday, October 21, 2013

The founding of Rome

It first started when a Roman prince called Aeneas led his people to the promise land were they met and joined forces with people called Latin's. then in about 800 B.C a Latin princess gave birth to two twins called Romulus and Remus, who were separated from the mom by a river and were left to die. Fortunately however they were saved and raised by a she wolf, who was later killed by a shepard that took the babies back home. After being fully grown the two brothers decided to build a city and the Tiber and leave it to the gods on who would run it. After both of them climbed a mountain to get a sign from the gods. It turned out that it was romulos who was chosen only to have been attacked by his brother. after the fight Romulos still stood there and named his city Rome.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Alexander accomplishments and how he tried to unify Persia and Greece

He managed to conquer Persia.
He was the commander of the army at sixteen.
He was taught Literature, political science, geography, and biology by Aristole.
Alexander managed to teach his army how to better make use of the weapons, and taught them better strategies.
He has never lost a battle in his thirteen years of life
He founded about 70 cities, 16 of which were named Alexandria.
Managed to cover 22,000 miles of land and built a 400 foot light house in Alexandria, Egypt. It was considered one of the seven wonders in the world.
Became king by 20
Marched as far east as Northern India
He was king of Asia by being able how to unravel the gordian knot.

He and 80 of his solders managed to marry persian woman.
he also wore some of the persian fashion, and even invited some Persian solders into his army.
He also tried to get the persians to treat him like a god.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

paragraphs on Phillip and Alexander the great

Phillip was a great leader and was able to unite his soldiers that fought every once in a while to a year round army. He managed to easily conquer other Greece states by having some better miliary weapons. He also taught his army how to properly use bows and slingshots, and teaching them an unbeatable charge tactic. when he wasn't fighting he was making alliances with other city states by giving them gold and marrying wives of those states. Lastly when the states were weak and fighting with each other, Philip would go in with his army and takeover.

After Alexander had destroyed and united all of persia and Greece he wanted to then unite them. He tried to first wear Persian clothes, then he married a Persian lady and had a few of his solders marry also. next he took solders some persian solders into his army. even after all these tactics it couldn't be fulfilled. Later he died of Malaria and when he did his empire went with him. Soon the land was split among three of his generals, and the African king reclaimed his land. Even though the Greeks left behind their tradable object the economic conditions grew worse, and with not enough workers to work the land the control soon came to the Romans.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Spata questions

1)What was the acropolis and what stood there?
The Acropolis was a fortified hill with a temple holding a goddess inside.
2) The average city-state, or polis, contained how many people?
It held an average between 5,000 and 10,000 people.
3) How was Sparta's government formed?
There was first two kings that ruled them, until they had started a council of men that were 60 years over and were chosen for life. how ever,even though they were called kings they had little power.
4) Who ruled Sparta?
Two kings ruled.
5) Who were the helots and what did they do in Sparta?
They were enslaved citizens who were owned by city states and had to turn over half their crops to the Aristocrats.

6)  Discuss, or outline, the life of a Spartan boy.
when they were babies they were examined to see if they were healthy enough to live or die on a hillside. when they were 7 they were sent to military camps.

7)  Discuss the life of a Sparta woman.  How were Spartan women more free than other Greek women at the time?

They wer able and loved to play sport like wrestling and racing, 

8) Explain the quote, "Come home with your shield or on it".  How does this quote reinforce Spartan ideas? You come home a victor or you don't come back alive. If you wanted to run away from battle you had to leave your shield behind.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

1) Who was Socrates and How did he teach people how to think?
Socrates was a 70 year old athenian philosopher who liked the thinking process. he asked them a question and then would make the person arrive step by step till they reached the final conclusion.
2) What did philosophia mean to the ancient Greeks?
It is studying the laws of nature and loving wisdom.
3) What was the Socratic Method?
the form of questioning socrates used on the athenian people.
4) Why was Socrates brought to trial?
he was trial for denying the gods.
5) List some quotes about ethical or moral living attributed to Socrates.
Wealth does not bring goodness but goodness bring wealth and every blessing both to the citizen and the Polis.
6) How did Socrates die?
The jury of five hundred found Socrates guilty and made him drink poisonous Hemlock juice.
7) Who was Plato?
He was an aristocrat pupil of Socrates
8) What school did Plato found?
He founded the academy which lasted 900 years after he died.
9) Name two books that Plato wrote.
He wrote the Republic and the Dialogue 
10) Who was Aristotle?  What did he do?
He was one of Plato's Brightest pupils. He founded his own school and wrote up to 200 books.
11) What is syllogism?  Give an example of one.  Who invented it?
It is a method of reasoning that uses three statements. Athenians are greek Socrates is Athenian there for Socrates is Greek. 
12) Who developed the first two steps of the scientific method?
Aristole invented the first two steps.
13) Who developed the Hippocratic Oath?  What is the Hippocratic Oath?
rules that doctors use to protect the patients problems and identity. Hipocrates invented them.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

1) Why did many Greeks go to the Orachles? They went to seek Advice and learn the truth about the future, from what the oracles said.

2)   What was the oracle at Delphi?
It was where a priestess would sit under Apollo's temple answering peoples questions by asking gods. she would ask by sitting in a chair where sulfer and bubbles would come out of the ground.

3)   How, in the worship of the Gods, were the Greeks different than earlier groups of people?
unlike everyone else, the Greeks did not believe they were on earth only to please the gods. they placed the worth on the importance of the individual.

4)   Name six Greek gods and what they controlled.
      Zeus= ruller of mount olympus god of kings. Ares= god of war. Poseidon= god of the sea and earth quakes. Aphrodite= goddess of love and beauty. Dionysus= god of eternity. Hera= protectress of marriage, Children and their home.

5)   The Olympic Games where held where and to honor who?
the olympics where held in the middle of summer in Olympia and honored in Zeus.

6)   List four events, with descriptions, held during the Olympic Games.
Chariot racing= involved riding a small cart in race between others across 9 miles.
Boxing= a brutal sport were people fought each other with their bear hands until the opponent was down, no eye goching was allowed. Pancratium= another fighting match were the opponent couldn't use holds or grips on the oposser. Pentathlon= made up of  five events, running, jumping, throwing discuss, wrestling, and hurl a javelin.

7)   When was the 1st Olympic Games held?
776 BC

8)   Who were the three great writers of tragedy?
Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides.    

9)   What were comedies originally about?
Greek comedies were about the present and it usually had happy endings.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Athens questions

1) Where was Athens located?
Northeast of Sparta on the Aegean coast

2) Why did Athens change its government?
They were afraid there would be uprisings because of all the fights that broke out.

3) Who was Draco and Solon?  What did they do?
Draco was one of the first to try and change the government. he failed, however because his punishments were too cruel. Solon prepared a constitution, or set of principle for government.

4) Who created the world's first Democratic Constitution?

Cleisthenes made the worlds first government by having men over twenty go to a meeting to discuss who will go be chief and general.
5) What was the Council of 500?  How were its members chosen?

the council of the five hundred was a group of people that were chosen to handle the daily business in Athens.

6)  Describe the Battle of Marathon.

The Ionians were asking help from Greece to help attack the Persians who had taken over the western city states. Greece replied by sending 600 ships to battle.  The Greeks ambushed the Pertsians on Marathon hill and called upon Nike the greek goddess of victory. It was a win that gave the greeks a sense of confidence.
7) How did the Greeks eventually defeat the Persians?

The Greece's ran down Marathon hill witch caught the persians off guard giving them the win.

8) Who was Pericles?

He was a leader of Athens. He also changed a city state into a learning center. his power was so great historians called the period of power.

9) What was the Peloponnesian War and what was its outcome? 

It was the war between Athens and Sparta that lasted almost thirty years. it ended in 404 BC with Athens surrendering to Sparta.