Thursday, March 20, 2014

1) They soo broke from old ideas, started hypothesisng new theories, and lastly made better more useful inventions.

2) It let food grow more fluently and land owners needed less workers and made more money.

3) Since it was smooth it allowed easier passing for horse carradges and even better shipping rate.

4) More money to improve the house and there living condition. It also set up schools and clinics for the poor.

5) The internal combustion engine and the first electrical telegram.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

521 History

1) They allowed Free time by praying reading the bible and allowed horses and women to act on stage.
2) It caused the monarchs system to change with out having one shot be fired.
3) England tightened its grip by putting a direct tax on Americans and merchants which gave the goverment more money from any goods.
4) They formed angry mobs and said until change was made they wouldn't buy british goods.
5) The King george the 3rd were in control until the revolution, then the americans and french ended and made a treaty with them.
6) they were afraid that the ideas the french had would weaken there own power.
1) Galileo learned that the moon wasn't smooth and that the milky way housed thousands of stars.
2) His theories has helped the technology in rockets today.

2) It allowed assembly workers to get many more materials then soon products done quicker. this increased the amount of equipment being made and sold.
3)It would slow down the whole production rate if the assembly line wasn't having enough materials being sent there to be made.

Friday, March 14, 2014

french revolution pg 520

2) kings, nobles, peasants
3) it made the declaration of the rights of man and the citezen. meaning that everyone were equal and free.
4) the new law the directory used stopped feuds and took some major freedom away like how they couldn't vote without land.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

American Revolution Pg 508 2-4

2) It was because Parlament wanted more power and the king just continued to accept and deny parliaments.

3) They did it because there was fear that his son would possibly start an ultimate catholic rule.

4) It protected the rights of the english people and made parliament stronger