Review history guide for Final.
Cold War
Why did U.S drop Atomic weapons they wanted to
justify spending tax paid dollars and test to see their effects? It was also to
scare Russia and stop Communism.
A lone program sent to Europe that helped open
up mines rebuild factories and make new roads.
It was because of the power struggle between
Russia and America.
Know these people (see below)
What was the berlin wall? What did it do? It was
a barrier that separated East and West Germany. It was used to surround and cut
off all resources in western Germany so it would force them into being
Communists. (Also see Below)
war (see Below)
Vietnam (see below)
What was the space race? It was a race between the
Americans and Russians too see who can discover more of space with machines.
The Americans still hold record for sending Armstrong there.
Mao’s main goal? (See below)
Who were some of the victems of Mao’s purge? He
wanted to get rid of Scholars and other undesirable members of communist
What was the policy of Glasnost? It was a new
rule that allowed people to speak freely during elections which made it to
where people could vote for a non communist and not get in trouble.
What were
most developing nations like after independence? They were trying to start up
there own towns like building houses, and making sure there was enough food.
How did
Gandhi use civil disobedience to win independence from Britain? He would go
from village to village telling others to not obey there laws so they would
soon give up on India in order to gain there own independence.
Why is 1960 called year of Africa? Africa had
gained their independence.
How did
united states propose to rebuild Western Europe during world war 2? By doing
the Marshall plan.
Why did soviet union blockade Berlin in 1948? It was in an attempt to turn them into
Why did
Mao Zedong order the Cultural revolution? He wanted to bring China back to old
changes did Castro make once he came to power? He turned his governments into
communists and all the promises like free voting were not kept.
What were people at Tianaman square demanding? They
wanted same control over the political power like they did economical.
problems do most African Americans face today? Poor education, diseases, lack
of food and jobs.
World War 1 and 2
2) It was a fight were two opposing sides
would continually gain and lose land as they were in there dirt trails.
3) Close to 30,000,000
4) Woodrow Wilson was the president of the United States, and he
had drawn up a peace plan called the Fourteen Points. He wanted to reduce
armaments, a world association of nations to keep peace, and he believed that
national groups in Europe should be able to form their own countries.
5) It put most of the blame and
financial repayment on Germany for starting the war. It also made them lose
land in Europe and overseas. As for Russia they lost even more land and gave it
back to Finland, Poland, Latvia.
6) Vladimir was leader of a revolutionary group
called Bolsheviks. He supported the Soviets and promised to get Russia out
of the war. He got them out by signing a peace treaty with Germany, but this
gave them Problems at home. When he died after his group was
under control by Communists he died and was place in a red
tomb. Stalin took control of the government and the communist party. When
he was in power he made a five-year plan that involved building a heavy
industry. His plan was a success and by the year 1939 he managed to make
the Soviet Union a major industry. Benito Mussolini was a leader of
an Italian fascist dictator. He led a military conquest to take
over Ethiopia in 1936. He helped the Germans in ww2. Adolf Hitler was
Leader of a group called the Nazis. They saw themselves as leaders and Jewish
people were not in that dream. He at first wanted to become an artist but soon
became the leader of Germany after an artist teacher hated his piece of work.
7) First the Nazis made them quit there
jobs, then they had to sell anything of value to them, next they were forced to
wear a star of David, afterwards they were sent to the ghetto, lastly they were
sent to concentration camp were they were slaves or killed.
8)Germany broke the peace treaty they had
by taking over Poland.
9) September 1, 1939
10) It started with an areal bomb strike
taking out heavy forces on the ground, and then tanks and troops invaded by
foot wiping the rest of the forces out.
11) It was a ten month battle where the Germans tried to
invade Britain by air, but kept on getting shot down and forced to
retreat. Soon Hitler gave up on them.
12) After the bombing on Pearl Harbor and the American naval base in
the Hawaiian Islands on December 7, 1941. Then after that they immediately
entered the war on the side of the Allied Powers.
13) It was a turning point for the Russians because they were
finally managing to kick the Germans out of Russia.
14) It was a battle that was led by general Dwight D. Eisenhower and
it was when the Allied forces invaded Normandy or France. It happened June 6th,
and there was over 2 million solders were engaged.
15) May 8, 1945
16) A small atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. A bigger Atomic bomb
was dropped on Nagasaki. On August 14 the Japanese surrendered. The peace
treaty with Japan was signed on the S.S Missouri and the war was over.
17) Nazis who killed Jews by burning them or gas chambers,
Hitler killed many Jews, Over 6 million Jews died.
18) Because Germany wanted the resources
of the Soviet Union
19) Because they knew that they couldn't take Japan by invading so
they bombed them hoping for surrender and they had spent so many tax dollars
that they had to test it.
20) It fueled the growth of rival alliances. Then everyone wanted to be the most
powerful country, and that led to power struggles.
21) Factories had to close down, banks fell and failed and there was
a lot of depression.
22) They were scared that there would
be another war and gave in.
23) The allied forces defeating China and teaming up with England. Also
the D-Day victory.
24) To prevent any more wars or to help out any poor country.
Age of Exploration Look at chap 29
1) List two
reasons why Europeans were interested in the Americas?
The riches it had
to offer and to spread religion
2) What did
Portugal find it difficult to rule their territories?
Its population
wasn't big enough and the trading posts were too hot and wet for the Portuguese
3) What was
Portugal's big colony in the Americas?
4) What happened
to the Native Americans who lived in Brazil when the Portuguese claimed the
They become
slaves and then later either run away or died due to diseases they weren't used
5) Why did the
Spanish have trouble transporting gold and silver from the Americas to Spain?
French, English,
and Dutch pirates often robbed ships loaded with the gold and silver
6) What was the
"Lost Colony"?
Roanoke Island
7) What was the
English's first permanent settlement in North America?
8) Who was John
Smith? John Rolfe?
John Smith kept
Jamestown from total failure; he made it clear that if people didn't work, they
wouldn't eat. He also convinced the Powhatan to supply the colonists with corn
and beans. John Rolfe was a settler who began planting tobacco in 1612.
9) Why were the
Pilgrims called Separatists?
They left England
and started their own colony with their own laws
10) Why did
colonists set up the House of Burgesses?
The Jamestown
settlers needed to make their own laws.
11) What group
founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony?
The Puritans
12) What was
France's first permanent settlement in North America?
13) How did
France lose it North America possessions?
They lost a
series of four wars in clashed with Europe, the Americas, and India
14) Discuss how
the English Civil War and Glorious Revolution, The American Revolution, and
the French Revolution changed history.
English Civil War/Glorious Revolution: The Declaration of Rights, which made
Parliament stronger and protected the rights of the English people.
American Revolution: The constitution which adopted a new form
of government, the ideas of limited government and popular sovereignty, and the
10 amendments stating we have freedoms such as freedom of speech, press, and
French Revolution: The idea that all people had the right to
choose their government, and the metric system came from it.
15) What did
James I do?
He believed in
rule by divine right and when Parliament objected to some of his actions, he
dismissed it and ruled without a legislature for 10 years. He also made the
King James' version of the bible.
16) Who was
Oliver Cromwell?
He took over
England after the king's death and had trouble balancing the English who felt
enough changes had been made with those who wanted more. He finally did away
with parliament and governed as a military dictator for the Puritan minority.
17) Who was the
last Tudor monarch?
Queen Elizabeth
the first
18) What did John
Locke write and how did it influence the American Revolution?
He wrote Two
Treatises of Government and it influenced the American Revolution by
becoming a basis for it.
19) What was the
Stamp Act?
It called for a
tax on all newspapers, legal documents, calendars, and playing cards, and all
these items had to bear a stamp showing that the tax had been paid for.
20) Why did the
American Revolution end?
The Americans and
French made the English surrender at Yorktown in 1781 and then in 1783, the
treaty of Paris ended the war.
21) Discuss the
three estates of France before the Revolution.
The Clergy who
made up less than 1% of the people but owned 10% of the land, the nobility who
made up 2% of the people and owned a bunch of land as well, and everyone else
who had no power and paid the country's taxes.
22) What was the
Reign of Terror?
The wave of
killing that came after the invention of the guillotine.
23) Why were
Europeans rulers afraid of the ideas of the French Revolution?
They thought it
would spread and they'd lose their power.
24) Who was
Galileo? Isaac Newton?
Galileo invented the telescope and began to study stars and planets, he learned
that the moon's surface wasn't smooth and had mountains and craters
Isaac Newton explained the theory of gravitation and how
objects move through space
Discuss how the Industrial Revolution changed people’s lives?
made peoples lives better because everything became cheaper since it could be
mass produces and people had better houses.
What countries led the Industrial Revolution?
Britain, Belgium, France, United States, and Germany (in order)
Who was Samuel Morse? Thomas Edison? Gottieb Daimler?
Samuel Morse built the first successful
electric telegraph, which made quick communication possible
Thomas Edison developed the electric
light bulb
Gottieb Daimler invented the internal
combustion engine, which is fueled by gasoline.
Who were the Jesuits? What did they believe and do as a
group formed to spread Catholic ideas to parts all over the world
How did the Pope and the Catholic Church reclaim Protestant
combined with the council of Trent and the Jesuit Missionaries
What did the Council of Trent do?
helped the pope reclaim protestant areas.
Why did Henry VIII break w/ the Catholic Church?
wanted to Mary a Bohlen and then got denied by the pope. Outraged he told the
pope he had no power but then got excommunicated.
Why was Queen Mary called Bloody Mary?
burned almost 300 people who didn’t go back to the Catholic Church. The people
soon looked to her as bloody Mary.
What did Mary Tudor expect the people to do as soon as she
become queen?
thought most of them would return back to the Roman Catholic Church.
7) what was the Church of England like
under Elizabeth I?
people really liked her for the idea she did that combined a Protestant and
catholic church together.
Why did Spain go to war with Britain?
of the difference in religions between the two which led to war.
What happened to the Spanish Armada?
army of 130 Spanish naval ships was going to war, however they ended up getting
destroyed by 8 ships that caught fire and blow up into the armada. Then they
were attacked by a big storm that destroyed the rest of the fleeing ships.
What led to civil war in France in 1562?
It was because of a conflict that broke out between the
Huguenots and the rest of France's Catholics, and then the Catholics soon
started persecuting the Huguenots, which led to war.
Chapter 29 sections 1 and 2.
Why did Luther come into conflict with the church?
He challenged the thought of money being able to buy your way out of the
sins you make.
What happened to Luther at Worms?
was given heresy for not giving up his ideas.
What was the Peace of Augsburg?
peace treaty between Luther and Charles the v. It was so that would stop
trying to get people to return to the Catholic Church.
Why were Lutheran and Reformed Churches called Protestant?
They were called
that because both went against the idea of a Catholic church.
The Renaissance chapter 28
What was the War of the Roses? Who won?
A fight between
two families and the symbols they had it being between a white and red rose.
The Tudor family won against the Lancaster
how did Henry VIII change history?
He made the
Monarchy stronger and built up the trade route, which made his kingdom both
peaceful and rich.
How did he encourage the Renaissance in England?
He encouraged art
literature hunting and parties.
4) Who
was Queen Elizabeth?
A queen who
won the favor of her people, and poets who wrote poems on her.
What were English theaters like?
Plays that were on an open staged that play at noon and attract large crowds.
Form what did Shakespeare draw ideas for his plays?
From his
tragedies and comedies
In a paragraph summarize the effects of the Renaissance on England.
It was a pretty good change. It first
started with Henry the viii making it peaceful and quiet. It was because he
made it more fun to hunt and have parties. Next Queen Elizabeth got a lot of
appeal. Lastly Shakespeare made lots of entertainment in plays from his sad and
funny plays.
List the three important city-states of Italy.
Florence, Venice,
What did Renaissance artists study?
Art, science, and
Who was Leonardo da Vinci? What did he paint? What inventions did he
A great artist
who made the Mona Lisa, and inventions like the parachute, mechanical digger.
Who ruled Florence? What was Florence known for?
The Medici
family. Its Prosperity, fame, and the poor starving people.
How did Popes during this time act like political rulers?
They sent their
own representatives to collect taxes, mint money, raise armies, and start wars.
6) How
was Venice different than most Renaissance cities?
It was
built on 117 islands, had palaces, churches, canals, and the people looked to Constantinople
or art instead off Western Europe.
7) Why did the doge have little
It always had to
obey the council of ten and was not independent.
Who was Rabelais and what did he believe?
A physician monk
who believed that humans were not tied down by there past and could do what
ever they want.
Who developed a printing press in Germany? How did this change European
A German named
Johannes Gutenberg. It gave out more books, which allowed people to soon read,
create new ideas, and redesign their lives.
What Church reforms did German and Flemish scholars want to make?
A new Latin
testament of Latin translation.
Why did Philip II mistreat Spanish scholars?
he was extremely religious and didn't trust the workings of scholars.
1) How did landowner ship become tied to military services?
The more land you had the more money you owned that gave you
more power over the military and you had to serve the military in order to gain
some land.
2) What were some of the duties of a vassal?
He promised to
serve the lord, help him in battle, bring there own knights to war, fight in
battles for 40 to 60 days a year and ether pay ransom or trade them selves in
order to free the member of royalty.
3) What was the hierarchy of the feudal system?
It goes from top to bottom, Pope church,
Monarch, Nobles Knights and vassals on same level, Merchants craftsman’s
farmers, and then on the lowest level lays peasants and serfs.
4) Discuss castle life?
5) What
was a code of chivalry? Who did it apply to? List the rules of
chivalry. A list of laws that knights had to follow. Some rules were to show bravery,
obey his lord, be honest, fight fairly against his enemies, and respect
woman of noble birth.
6) What
were the 7 rules of chivalry? A knight was to obey his lord, show bravery,
respect woman of noble birth, honor the church, and help people.
how did Knights train for war? He was pinned against another knight in a
special contest that tested strength, skill and endurance. They were often held
in fields and the main event was a joust.
How did a person become a knight? They started training at the age of seven,
and were sent to his lord’s house to be a page. When he was 15 years old a page
than became a squire he was trained underneath a knight.
Explain the organization of feudal Manors. In
charge was a noble’s fief, and then there was the Bailiff who was in charge of
the peasants.
9) Out
line what you might find in a manor? The noble lived in a wooden
house or castle. Next to it was a small village of cottages where the peasants
lived. Most of the villages had a church, a mill, a bread oven, and a wine
press. Forests, pastures, fields, and meadows surrounded the village.
what was the difference between Freeman and Serfs?
were noble’s property and didn’t have many or no rights at all. Freeman had to
pay for the right to farm but had many more options.
How could serfs obtain their freedom?
they mange to stay hidden in town for one whole year.
What change had taken place in farming by the 1200s?
had better tools like foot padding for there horses and they learned how to
plant in multiple fields at different times.
What did people on a manor produce everything they needed?
had useful tools to help produce like the mill, bread oven, or wine press.
What was the inquisition? The inquisition was a Church court that tried to end heresy.
Who were the monks of Cluny, Pope Gregory the vii, and Friars? The Monks of
Cluny were a group of highly religious people who founded
new monasteries to fight corruption of the Church. Pope Gregory VII
was the pope who wanted to get the kings and nobles out of power, and Friars
were preachers.
What were the two goals of Pope Gregory the VII? Pope Gregory VII wanted to rid
the Church of kings and nobles, and he wanted to to increase the Pope's power
over the Church officials.
How did universities form? Many students complained about how teachers were inexperienced
and didn't hold as many classes. Students and teachers formed unions and
created universities.
Who called for the first Crusade and why? Pope Urban II called for the first
crusade because he wanted to reclaim the Holy Land.
Discuss the peasant’s crusade. What happened and why? The Pope called to the
peasants to try and capture the Holy Land. The peasants thought that they would
be free from work. They killed all the Jews and anyone who wasn't Christian.
Once they got to Constantinople, they only had one third of their numbers. The
Byzantine emperor sent them to fight the Turks when he realized that they were
untrained. Because of the bowmen, all of the peasants were wiped out.
Discuss the Nobles crusade and the kingdom beyond the sea? The nobles arrived in Asia
Minor and defeated the Turks. From there, they went to the dessert, but they
were not ready for the heat and many of them starved to death. The remaining
ones reached Jerusalem and captured the Holy City. After they caught the Holy
Land, they set up four feudal kingdoms called Outrider or the "Kingdom
Beyond the Sea"
Discuss the kings crusade (list all three kings) and its outcome? During the
King's Crusade, King Fredrick, King Philip, and King Richard, all went to try
and take Jerusalem. Fredrick died in Asia Minor, Philip and Richard was always
fighting and suddenly, Philip went home. In the end, King Richard made a treaty
with Saladin.
Who was Saladin? Saladin was a military leader for the Muslims who created the
treaty with King Richard.
Discuss the 4th Crusade and its impacts on the Church and Europe? Pope
Innocent II ordered a crusade in which the knights traveled to Palestine by
ship. Rich merchants wanted Venice to replace Constantinople as the trading
center of the world. The crusaders agreed to pay the merchants a large amount
of money. In return, the merchants supplied the crusaders with ships. When the
soldiers found out they could not pay their debts, they conquered Zara for the
merchants. Then the people from Venice wanted to raid and take Constantinople.
The crusaders never made it to Palestine. Instead, they split up
Constantinople. Their actions shocked many western Europeans and it made them
loose their respect for the crusaders.
What were the over fall effects of the crusades on Europe? The Crusades made
the permanent split in the western and eastern Christian churches. It
can also break down the feudalism in the west. The officials gained more power
and demanded sugars, spices, and other luxuries. This need for the best things
opened up new trade routes and the growth of towns.
What effect did the climate of Palestine have on the crusaders? The climate was so intense that the crusaders
began wearing less furs and heavy materials. They wore turbans and loose silken
clothing. Women learned to wear makeup and perfume. Living in the heat also
helped them get into the habit of bathing. They also began eating less meat
more light fruits and vegetables. Adapting to the heat was hard and many
crusaders died.
What led to the growth and development of Venice’s trade? The lands of Venice
were not very fertile, creating a lack of crop-growing space. They began
trading to get things that they couldn't get in the homeland.
27) How did the location of Flanders help it become an
important trading center? Flanders
was right on the water so they began to increase trade.
What were fairs? Who sponsored them and why? Fairs were special gatherings made
were merchants traded with each other. Nobles sponsored them because
they could collect taxes on all of the sales.
How did most towns develop in the middle ages? Merchants became tired of
lugging their good around and started looking for places they could
settle permanently.
What were the Black Death and how many people died from it? The Black Death was
a plague transferred by infected rats. This plague killed millions of people
and brought all trading, farming, and war to a stop.
What changes did Burghers want to make in feudal laws? The Burghers gave less
loyalty to the nobles and bishops and gave it to their towns instead. They also
created schools, hospitals, and churches. Charters let people elect their own officials;
a council collected taxes and set charges to merchants, and repaired streets,
and formed citizen’s armies. They also ran hospitals, orphanages, and special
homes for the poor.
What were guilds and what were some rules that guild members had to obey? Guilds
were created so that people of certain trades could come together. Members had
to work the same amount of hours, hire the same amount of workers, and pay the
same wages. They also could not advertise or compete with other members of
their guild.
How were people trained—list the steps—to become a master of guild? First the
person had to be an apprentice or trainee, who listened to their master. Next
they became journeymen who worked for their master for money. Lastly, they had
to take a test and if they pasted they became masters of the guild.
Why were nobles and church officials against the raise of towns? The nobles and
church officials were against the rise of towns because the guilds became
wealthy and more powerful than they needed to be. This weakened the power of
the church officials and nobles.
How did the estate general help strengthen the French Monarchy? The
Estates-General was important to the French Monarchy because it set up a
national government for France.
What changes did Magna Carter bring in English Government? The Magna-Carat took
away some of the king’s power and increased the power of the nobles. The king
couldn’t tax the people unless the Great Council agreed, and freemen had to be
trialed by their peers. This set up the idea that the king wasn’t over the
power than the law.
Why did the position of the common people in England and France improve as a
result of the 100 years war? Many of them died in war and work needed to be
done so the workers became more valuable.
How did Otto I set up a Christian Roman Empire in Western Europe? Otto I made
many of his loyal followers bishops and abbots and gave them government posts.
In return, they gave him money and supplies.
What did the Moors bring to Spain? The Moors brought learning and demand of
luxury items.
important question
What is Mad? Mad= Mutually. Assured. Destruction.
When did the cold war start and when did it end? It went from
1947- to 1991.
Why did the cold war
start? A power struggle between Soviet Union and America.
What happened in Korea in 1950? There was a war Where North
Korea tried to invade South Korea in an attempt to make it a full Communist
government. In the war the Chinese was helping North Korea and the south had
the help of America. The war would’ve ended sooner if American general Douglas MacArthur
was allowed to drop nuclear bombs on Korea, but president Harry S Truman said
that he didn’t want to cause ww3. In 1953 there was finally a peace treaty
signed ending the war between the two sides ad allowing their governments to
stay separate.
What was the Cuban missile crisis? It was when Fidel Castro tried to get help
with Russia to start a revolution against America by almost bombing them and
turning their government communist.
Why did the cold war end? Both Russia and America ended Communism
with the plan that if one side were to shoot a missile at the other than that side
would receive the same treatment.
Why did U.S drop Atomic weapons on Japan? How might this event
been the start of the cold war. They put all the time and tax money into making
them that they had to test and show their power. It was said to have been the
idea that made Russia want there power and started to make there own weapons.
What was the Marshal plan? What did it do? It was a loan program
for rebuilding Europe. The plan involved rebuilding factories, opening up coal
mine, and making new roads.
Why did the cold war develop? It started by putting America in a
power struggle with Russia on whether Communism would rule or not.
Who were following
Fidel Castro=
Mao Zedong=
Ho Chin Ming=
Douglas MacArthur=
Chiang Kai—she =
Mikhail Gorbachev=
What was the Berlin wall? What was it? Why was put up?
What was the Korean War? Why did it happen? Who was involved?
When did it start and end? Another dividing war between north and south. North
had the help of Russia and China. South got the Allies help. It involved North
trying to fully invade and take over south. I the end
What was the Vietnam War? Why did it happen? Who was involved?
When did it start and end? Communists and non-teamed up together to go to war
against the French in an effort to become independent. The Vietnams were led by
Ho chi Minh. They soon won and France was split into two sides north, which was
a communist side, and south, which wasn’t. A war soon broke out between both
sides. North being aided by China and south by America. The out come in the end
was a treaty between both sides.
What was Mao’s main goal for China? To make it a strong
independent country.
What was the policy of Glasnost? How might this change Russia?
It allowed people to speak and vote freely so this means a change in government
could happen.
What were most developing nations like right after independence?
How did Gandhi use civil disobedience to win independence from
What changes did Castro make to Cuba when he was in power
19)What were the demonstrators at
Tiananmen Square demanding? They were demanding democracy.
1) What is the definition of prehistory? A
time before writing was invented.
2) When (the date) did prehistory end? 5000
years ago
3) How did Paleolithic people live? They
lived in small groups and were always traveling .
4) List five things that people made or sought that
led to civilization?
5) List some things (3 things) that Cro-Magnons did
or made. They were very skillful took makers. 1. Burin- which resembled a
chisel. 2. They invented the axe, which they used to cut down trees and hollow
out logs to make canoes. 3. They were artists they carved statues out of ivory
and bone or molded them out of clay.
6) What is specialization? Development of occupations. Potters, weavers and metal workers.
7) What is one of the earliest known villages? Jericho
8) What two important discoveries brought on the
Neolithic Revolution? Learning to grow
food and to herd animals.
I) Sumer
1) Inventions= The Levee, used for changing the
height and flow of water.
2) Gods=Enlil, god of air, and Nanna=Moon god
3) Leaders=Gilgamesh and Uruk
4) Rivers=The Tigress and Euphrates
5) Anything else you know? In the center of each
city was a Zagurat, a temple for gods.
III. Egypt
1) Inventions=The Shadoof, used to lift water
from Nile to basins for plants.
2) Gods=Ra, God of sun, Osrisis god of dead.
3) Leaders=Hatsheput
4) Rivers= The Nile,
5) Anything else you know=Hatsheput one of the
few not interested in war.
Inventions=the citadel or fortress
Gods=They thought cats or sphinxs were there gods.
Leaders=no leaders
Rivers=The Indus valley and pakastan.
Anything else you know no one knows how the civilization ended
Part 1: The Assyrians
1) Why did the Assyrians become warriors (think about where they
lived)? Assyrians were always being attacked by other
forcing them to defend themselves.
2) Discuss how a foot soldier in the Assyrian army might be
dressed? The foot solders were ussualy dressed
in light armor consisting of a helmet, shields, spears, and daggers.
3) The Assyrians were considered CRUEL, why? What did they
do? The Assyrian army would
usually burn down the houses in the kingdoms they overthrew. They would also
enslave the citazen's the survived and would heavily tax them. The people they
capture would lastly fight for their army.
4) Who was Ashurbanipal? What did he do? Ashurbinaple was one of the first Assyrian kings to make the library
which held over 25,000 stone tablets.
Part II: The Persians
5) How did the Persians differ from the Assyrians? The
persians only ruled people nicely. The Assyrians were brutal and forced people
into there society. The Persians also invented more things than the Assyrians.
6) Discuss Zoroaster and Zoroasterism (what did they believe?) Zoroaster had to decide which god the people would support and decide
the rights and wrongs a person preformed. he also made two gods.
7) What was the Persian view of trade? The Persians did not like the idea of trade,
they thought it led to cheating lying and being greedy. instead they wanted to
be warriors
8) What major thing did the Persians leave for the World?
A improved way of trading and the use of a new coin currency.
Part III: The Hebrews
9) Who were the great kings of the Hebrews?
What were some things they did? Joshua who helped build the Promise land after
Moses died.
10) Discuss the lifestyle of the Hebrews? They
worked for six days then relaxed on the seventh.
11) Who were the Hebrews descended from? What city
did they come from? Slaves of the pharoe from Egypt.
12) What great gift did the Hebrews leave the World? The
ten commandments.
Part IV: The Phoenicians
13) What great gift did the Phoenicians leave the World?
The Alphebet.
14) Why did the growth of trade (worldwide) expand under the
Phoenicians? They were willing to travel where others wouldn’t and with most of
the villages built along rivers or close to sea they had to rely on sea for
15) What were some ancient Phoenician cities? Tyre, Byblos,
Beirut, Sidon
16) How were Phoenician cities organized? They had stone walls
around the city,behind the walls were family stores, there were very narrow
stone brick streets. Out side the city were the ports.
1) The Minoans lived where? Crete, small island in the
Mediterranean. What were they known for?
2) What is the legend behind the fall of the Minoans? Who
was Theseus? The legend was that Thesius was being
sacrificed to the minotaur but the princes gave him a magical sword that would
allow him to kill the minotaur, but only if Thesius would marry her. Theseus
then returned but forgot to change sails causing his fathers death.
3) What is the most import thing that the Mycenaeans have left
us? Legends of olden people.
4) The Mycenaeans became rich off the trade of what product?
Olive oil
5) The Mycenaeans where known for what to occupations? Pirates
and traders
6) How did the Mycenaeans disappear (you need two specific
things). They had to leave
because the constant battles and wars that had ruined the Myceneans empire
allowing the next one to take over.
7) What was the Trojan War? A battle were the Trojans fought the
Myceans and won because of there war horse tactic were they built a fake horse
that held soilders. Then the soilders went out in night and seiged the castle
from the inside.
8) The average city-state of classical Greece contained
how many people? 5,000 to 10,000 people
9) What war was fought between Athens and Sparta?
When did it end? How long did it last? Who won?
10) Discuss the life of a boy in Sparta (make sure you
talk about important ages – birth, 7, 20, 30, 60). Birth he was bathed in wine
for strength, then check to see if healthy, if not then would be left on a hill
to die or be adopted. 7, he would be sent to military camp where he couldn’t be
fat and would consistently be preparing for battles. 20, would always be in
battles. 30 could marry if wanted. 60 can retire from battle.
11) Who were the helots? Enslaved farmers who had to give
most of there crops and prophet to the Aristocrats.
12) Who wrote the world’s first democratic constitution? A
noble named Cleisthenes.
13) What was the council of 500? How did one
become a member of the council? A group of people that would tend to daily
Athens problems. You were chosen if your name was picked from a large pot of
other names.
14) Describe the Battle of Marathon. A battle where
Persian solders where ambushed by a small army of Greek solders that came
charging down a hill and caught them off guard winning the battle. A solder
than ran non stop to a castle were he yelled NIKE then died of exhaustion
15) Why did the Persians go to war with the Greeks?
What was the final outcome?
16) The first Olympic Games where held when?
Olympus In honor of who? List three events at the
Olympic Games.
17) List three Greek philosophers and briefly why each is
important. Socrates, Plato, Hippocrates
18) List three Greek playwrights and discuss how theater
emerged in ancient Greece.
19) Who was Hippocrates? A philosopher that mad the
Hippocratic theorem where doctors are tied to an oath with there patients.
20) How, in the worship of Gods, were the Greeks different from
earlier people?
1) What is Rome’s legacy on today’s
culture? Some old gods and legends also the colloseum
2) Who was the first emperor of the Roman
Empire? What were some of his accomplishments?
3) What was the Pax Romana? The peace between
Nationalities in Roman empire.
4) List three reasons the Roman Empire collapsed.
Citezens lost interest in voting, didn’t have a large loyal military,
economicle poverty, and lastly Julies caeser’s death.
5) Who Founded Rome? What is the story behind
the founding of Rome? Two young brothers called Romulos and Remus were left
beside a river to die, but were saved by a wolf that raised and saved them. The
wolf though was later killed by a shepard who later raised the kids also. When
old enough both brothers went up to a hill to ask the gods who would become
king of a new city. When thunder struck towards Remus he took it as a sign that
he would. Out of jealousy and rage though Romulos killed his brother with a
rock on the beach and took position as king of the new kingdom called Rome.
6) Why were the Etruscans important? They were the first highly civilized people.
7) What was important about the Roman
Republic? How did it end? Two councils that made laws and attended to
dailey life of Rome. When there was no one left for slavery and people not
listening to laws.
8) Who was Julius Caesar? Why was he
important? He was the first emperor of Rome.
9) What customs did the Romans borrow or adopt from
the Etruscans?
10) Who was Hannibal? What were some of his
11-13) Discuss the following Emperors, what they did for Rome,
why were the important:
Constantine I=ruled 312-337ad, made sons of workers had to
follow there fathers jobs to keep products continually going, made them produce
enough food and goods to meet the whole community, and lastly the sons of
soilder fathers had to join the army.
Diocletian= son of Freedman, ruled 284-305 A.D,fortified
frontiers to stop invasion, set maximum on prices so cost wouldn’t go up,made
city officials responsible for taxes on there communities.
The Early Middle –Ages
1) Who were the Goths? Germanic people who lived in the Balken Penisula of Europe.
2) Discuss the Battle of Adrianople? Why was it
important? When did it happen?
It was when the
Goths rebelled against the Romans and won in 378. It would allow them to
capture and loot Rome. The attack was led by Alaric and he managed to capture
or drive out the Romans.
3) Where did the Goths end up? They settled in Spain.
4) Who were the Vandals? A germanic group that lived in Spain that always terrorized other
5) What English world did the Vandals inspire? Why? The vandals caused destruction and mayhem
to other people property that it created the word vandalism.
6) Who was Odoacer? A german general that ruled western Europe for 15 years
7) Who was Theodoric? The east goths leader.
8) What happened to the Roman Empire in the West by 550
C.E.? The
Roman empire in the west was faded and was split up and replaced by six minor German
1) Why were people no longer interested in learning
during the early middle ages? People were no longer interested in books,
art, and learning. plus the art and books were getting destroyed.
2) Why are the Franks important? They were the first to
combine Christens and Romans together
3) Who was Clovis? How did Clovis become
Christian? He
was a king that was chosen by a Frankish group. After winning a battle he and
3000 soldiers just immediately converted.
4) What happened after Clovis became Christian? He managed to gain support
from the Romans and allowed some of them to join there kingdom.
5) Why was it important that the Pope gave Clovis
his support? He
was then able to spread religion every where and deal with the non believers.
6) Why were the Franks more successful at governing
than other Germanic peoples? Clovis's conversion gave him way more peace and support than
7) What modern nations developed out of the
civilization built by the Franks? Germanic and France.
1) Why were the Frankish kings after Clovis weak? Instead of uniting the
land they decided to be weak and split it amongst there sons. The soon started
fighting amongst them selves which weakened the kingdom even more.
2) Who was Charles Martel? What did he
do? Why was he known as “The Hammer”? He was a powerful general that fought and won the
battle of tour and he wanted to unite all the Frankish nobles beneath him. He
is called the hammer because of his strength.
3) Why was the Battle of Tours a turning point in
history? The
Arabs and Berbers were killed by the Franks when they conquered Spain.
4) What might western Europe have been like if the
Arabs and Berbers had won the Battle of Tours? If they were to take over then Christianity wouldn't
5) Who was Pepin? How did he help the Pope? He was Charles Martel's Son.
He protected the Pope from a group attack led by the germans
6) Define anointed. Anoint=nominate or choose
1) When did Pepin die? Who were his sons? He died in 768 and his sons
where Carloman and Charles.
2) Who was Charlemagne? What did he do?
List the people he defeated in battle. What does his name mean? Charlemagne was a French
king of the Franks. He wanted to rule all of Western Europe and defeated the
Lombards, and Saxons. Charlemagne= Charles the great.
3) What was The Song of Roland about? It was written by a
french poet retelling the battle of the defeated Roland fighting the powerful
4) Why was Charlemagne displeased that the Pope
crowned him emperor? It made it seem That he was directly chosen by the Pope and not
5) What was Charlemagne’s view of education?
What did he do to promote education in his empire? He appreciated learning and
usually kept a slat or notebook next to his bed. He made church spread learning
and make schools for his people.
6) Who was Alcuin? What did children study in
the school set up by Alcuin? Alcuin was a scholar who made a school that trained children of
government officials to serve in a church or royal house hold.
7) What were some things that artists created under
Charlemagne’s rule? The artists usually made churches and palaces around the
court yard.
8) Describe estate life. Lords were the most powerful
and wealthy people in the kingdom. they made most of there income from sold
9) How did farmers gradually become serfs? They started caring more for
the nobles and less for them selves which made them bound to there land.
10) How did minstrels increase Charlemagne’s popularity? He allowed the
minstrels to sing to the tired people who continually work until there lives
are allowed a break on holiday.
11) What did the Empire collapse after Charlemagne’s
death? Charlemange's
empire collapsed because when he died his son's were not strong enough rulers
to keep it stable.
12) What might have prevented the collapse of
Charlemagne’s government? If his sons, Louis and Pious would've cared more about there
empire than there estates then it possibly could've survive longer.
1) The Anglo-Saxons were made up of what three groups? The
Anglo’s, The Saxons, and the Jutes
2) How did Christianity come to the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of
England? It was
because of the Schollars, Artists and merchants that had fled there home to
come here, then later spread there religion through the land.
3) What did Alfred do to unite Anglo-Saxon England? He used christianity and arts
to unite them and convince the king to convert and sign a peace treaty.
4) Why did Alfred the Great pay the Danes to leave England
alone? Alfred
knew that his army and people were weak so he paid the people to call off the
5) Why did the king set up local governments in England? It was because the central
government was too weak to govern the whole country.
6) What were the duties of the nobles? He nobles were in charge of
giving the king advice on how to run his country. They also had to serve the
king at war, keep peace at war, and attend the Witenagemot.
7) Why did early English kinds divide the country into
shires? What were some of the jobs of the sheriff? the central government was
too weak so he divided it into multiple sides.
8) How did the King's peace help unite England? It was caused by the strict
laws that soon spread out to further lands were the king was not and people
soon obeyed them with out thought.
9) What was the purpose of witenagemot? To talk to the king over the
10) How did the English government develop under the
Anglo-Saxons? The
laws soon became to cruel to break and people were later abiding them under
11) Why did Anglo-Saxons unite under Alfred the Great? He was a
good leader that had some strict and decent laws.
1) The Vikings came from what places
(think countries)? Scandenavia, Sweeden, Norway, Denmark.
2) The Vikings prowess in trade has led
people to compare them with what historical group? The Phonecians
3) Why did Vikings raid? The ice age
caused a shortage in food
4) Why was there no central government
in Scandinavia? With the multiple winters the Vikings could not unite together
for meeting so they remained in groups.
5) What was a Jarl? A military chief
that is in charge of small Viking groups
6) Why did the Vikings disappear?
Christianity soon converted all the Vikings making them get rid of there
violent ways and the ice age stopped allowing them to stop letting them raid
7) What some rights that Viking
women have? Could divorce, buy land, take place for the husband or man.
8) Who was Erik the Red?
Discoverer of Greenland
9) Who were the Normans?
10) What was a berserker? A warrior that would
go crazy and then charge into battle almost acting immune to pain. Would be
used to separate the enemy forces.
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